Fun February Fellowships

John & Stephie have been married for many years. On the Friday before Valentine’s Day, they enjoyed a “Ladies’ Night Out” hosted by one of Mission Arlington’s congregations in central Arlington.
Taking Church to the People
When Mission Arlington® began in August of 1986, the idea was to help people find their way back into church. We subsequently discovered that many people felt disconnected from the church in general.
It’s not that churches weren’t friendly or inviting, but that there seemed to be some a barrier in the minds and hearts of people, making it difficult for them to connect. We decided then that if people couldn’t come to the church, for whatever reason, we would take the church to them.
Today people of all ages gather each week to hear the Bible taught in multiple languages in 360 locations in Arlington and the larger Dallas/Fort Worth region. We meet in neighborhood homes, apartment club houses, mobile home parks and in any other location where people can gather together to hear God’s Word.

A dinner in one of our central Arlington congregations on the Sunday before Valentines Day. Everyone had so much fun.
The Importance of Fellowship
Acts 2:42 teaches us that the early disciples were “devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.” This verse highlights the foundational practices for the early church, and it forms a kind of guide to “best practices” for all congregations.
The word “fellowship” has more than one meaning, but in a church setting, it becomes a fun activity sponsored by a congregation which helps people grow closer to each other and to the Lord.
Fun in February
One fun focus for fellowships in February is Valentine’s Day. Our churches have been having dinners, and creative get-togethers, to deepen the bonds of community. The men of one congregation hosted a dinner for the ladies of the church. Last Friday night, they served Italian food, did some silly skits, and dances, and everyone had a great time. Another church’s way of celebrating the month was to have a large dinner after church on Sunday. The picture to the left is of that common meal.
True Love
The people in our Bible studies & congregations are able to express their love for each other, because God has first loved us. He didn’t just talk about love, but he demonstrated that love, in that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” on a cross. Then, God raised Him from the dead. We have great reason to have so much joy in this Valentine’s season, and really, all year long.
Thank you for your prayers & support.